Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Akhlaq Dalam Kitab Akhlaq Lil Banin di IMTAQ Shighor Baitul Qur’an Wonogiri
Education, Akhlaq Lil Banin Book, Implementation, Values, MoralityAbstract
Moral education plays a crucial role in shaping an individual’s character, particularly in the context of Islamic education. One of the books used in moral education in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) is Akhlaq Lil Banin by Sheikh Umar bin Ahmad Baraja. This study aims to examine the implementation of the moral values in Akhlaq Lil Banin in the learning process at IMTAQ Shighor Baitul Qur'an Wonogiri. The research employs a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study method, using data collection techniques such as interviews, observations, and documentation. The findings indicate that the application of moral values from the book positively influences the character development of the students. The habituation of good morals through the Qur’an memorization program, structured daily activities, and regulations implemented at the pesantren effectively helps the students internalize these moral values into their everyday lives. Thus, the implementation of moral values contained in Akhlaq Lil Banin contributes significantly to the development of character and morality of the students at IMTAQ Shighor Baitul Qur'an.
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