Peran Bimbingan Konseling Islami Dalam Mengatasi Tekanan Media Sosial pada Remaja
The Role of Islamic Counseling Guidance, Social Media, AdolescentsAbstract
This research discusses the role of Islamic counseling guidance in helping adolescents cope with the pressures and influences of social media, which increasingly dominate their lives. Adolescence, as a transitional phase from childhood to adulthood, is characterized by a search for identity and significant emotional challenges. Social media, while offering a platform for interaction and self-expression, also brings negative impacts such as anxiety, depression, and identity crisis. Through a qualitative approach and literature analysis, this study identified that Islamic counseling guidance can provide the emotional and spiritual support that adolescents need to understand where they are and make wise decisions in interacting online. The discussion method applied in Islamic counseling guidance proved to be effective in instilling Islamic values and ethics in adolescents' online behavior. The results show that collaboration between parents, educators, and counselors is essential to support adolescents' mental health in the digital era. Thus, Islamic counseling guidance plays a crucial role in shaping adolescents' positive behavior and reducing the negative impact of social media on their mental health.
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