Melacak Jejak Institusi Agama di Medan: Penjaga Tradisi di Tengah Modernitas
Religious Moderation, Religious Institutions, Social ConflictAbstract
Based on 2023 Central Statistics Agency (BPS) data, Medan’s population consists of various ethnic and religious groups, which creates the potential for social conflict. In this case, the role of religious institutions is very important to manage diversity and prevent friction between religious communities. This research discusses the strategic role of religious institutions such as the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB), the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), the Fellowship of Churches in Indonesia (PGI), and others in maintaining social harmony and stability. Through interfaith dialogue programs, religious moderation education, and conflict mediation, religious institutions contribute greatly to minimizing tensions that arise. However, new challenges have emerged with the spread of religious-based hate speech via social media, which is increasingly affecting society. Therefore, the use of information technology as a means of educating tolerance and peace is an important step to stem this negative flow. Collaboration across religions, government and society has also proven effective in building a harmonious society. This research recommends increasing synergy between institutions, digital literacy, and educational programs involving the younger generation to maintain existing diversity and strengthen social harmony in Medan City.
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