Internalisasi Patriarki dan Dampaknya Terhadap Harga Diri Seorang Perempuan
Internalization, Patriarchy, Self-Esteem, WomenAbstract
This study aims to examine the process of internalizing patriarchal values by women and its impact on their self-esteem. Through a literature review approach, this research will analyze how social norms that position men in dominant roles are unconsciously embedded in the thoughts and behaviors of women, thus shaping their mindset and attitudes in everyday life. By reviewing various relevant sources, this study is expected to provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of patriarchal internalization, specifically how patriarchal values are accepted and maintained by women within cultural and social contexts. Additionally, this research aims to reveal the implications of the patriarchal internalization process on the psychological well-being of women, particularly regarding their self-esteem. The findings of this study are expected to contribute to a broader understanding of the influence of patriarchal social norms on women's personal development and to highlight the importance of efforts to deconstruct these values to improve women's psychological well-being.
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