Aksiologi Pendidikan Islam: Studi Kasus Pengajaran Nilai Sosial di Mts Muhammadiyah 04 Blagung Simo Boyolali
Islamic Education, Social Values, Axiology, Character DevelopmentAbstract
Islamic education has the noble goal of producing a generation that is knowledgeable, has noble character, and is able to make a positive contribution to society. One important dimension is axiology, which highlights the value and benefits of the educational process. This research analyzes the implementation of social values in Islamic education at MTs Muhammadiyah 04 Blagung, Simo, Boyolali, to shape student character. A direct practice-based approach is used to integrate social values, such as social service and environmental service. The findings show that social values are inclusive through the curriculum, subjects and extracurriculars. As a result, students are more caring, responsible and able to work together. However, challenges such as time constraints and initial student interest still need to be overcome. This research concludes that the teaching of social values at MTs Muhammadiyah 04 Blagung has a significant impact on the formation of student character and contributes to social empowerment. This study also provides input for the development of more effective social values teaching methods.
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