Peran Media Sosial Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Volume Penjualan UMKM Risol Mayonnaise (Risol Mayo Endul)
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This business idea emerged from the abundance of people selling this type of Risol on social media, while there are still few and rarely found here, even though the public's curiosity about the taste of various fillings of Risol is very high. This research aims to develop the household industry of Risol Mayo UMKM using the SWOT analysis method. The research method used in this analytical study is descriptive research, which involves analyzing the location to be used for the business and the feasibility of the business from various aspects. The researcher chose the descriptive research method because it presents simple yet accurate data, and it is technical but easy to understand. The research was carried out through field observation and studying the sales volume and competitiveness. The analysis of the market location and marketing methods indicates that the prospects for the "Risol Mayo Endul" UMKM are promising. This can be seen from the potential high demand or orders and the enthusiasm of the public for viral food in the market. The production results are more hygienic, of high quality, with delicious taste, offered at an affordable price, and are sought after by all age groups.
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