Early Childhood Islamic Education Study with a Sociological-Philosophical Approach
Islamic Education, Early Childhood, Philosophical, SociologicalAbstract
The aim of this research is to demonstrate that Islamic education with a sociological-philosophical approach offers diverse perspectives, aligning with the diversity found in the broader philosophical and sociological perspectives. The significance of the philosophical and sociological approach lies in understanding Islamic education: philosophically to grasp the essence of Islamic education (ontology), how to apply it (epistemology), and the benefits of Islamic education (axiology). Sociologically, this is crucial because many teachings of Islamic education are linked to social issues. The increasing attention of Islamic and religious education to these social issues further encourages religious communities to appreciate the social sciences as tools for comprehending their faith. The sociological approach to religious education is accessible even to those who are less familiar with it, as religion has also been transmitted due to social interests. The sociological approach within religious education consists of individual, social, and interactionist approaches.
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