Peningkatan Kemampuan Manajerial UMKM Nasi Goreng di Pasar Sudagaran Kabupaten Banyumas
Manajerial Capabilities, MSMEs, Production EfficiencyAbstract
Sudagaran Market, Central Java, is a place rich in fried rice MSMEs which play a vital role in the local economy. This research aims to identify strategies for improving the managerial capabilities of fried rice MSMEs in this market. The research method used is a case study with a qualitative approach, involving in-depth interviews with owners of fried rice MSMEs and direct observation in the market. The results of the research show that fried rice MSMEs in Sudagaran Market face various challenges in managing their businesses, including less efficient financial management, strategic marketing that is not yet optimal, and obstacles in human resource management. To overcome these challenges, several strategies have been implemented by MSME entrepreneurs, such as improving managerial skills through entrepreneurship training and education, collaborating with financial institutions for access to capital, and utilizing technology to increase operational efficiency. This research concludes that improving the managerial capabilities of Nasi Goreng MSMEs at Sudagaran Market requires an integrated and sustainable approach. Support from various parties, including local governments, financial institutions and local communities, is needed to create a conducive environment for the development of MSMEs. In this way, fried rice MSMEs can become more competitive, innovative and sustainable in facing increasingly fierce market competition.This community service aims to identify strategies for enhancing the managerial capabilities of fried rice SMEs in the market. The research method employed is a case study with a qualitative approach, involving in-depth interviews with fried rice SME owners and direct observations in the market. The findings indicate that fried rice SMEs in Sudagaran Market face various challenges in managing their businesses, including inefficient financial management, suboptimal marketing strategies, and constraints in human resource management. To address these challenges, several strategies have been implemented by SME entrepreneurs, such as enhancing managerial skills through training and entrepreneurial education, establishing partnerships with financial institutions for capital access, and leveraging technology to improve operational efficiency. This research concludes that improving the managerial capabilities of fried rice SMEs in Sudagaran Market requires an integrated and sustainable approach. Support from various stakeholders, including local government, financial institutions, and the local community, is needed to create a conducive environment for SME development.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Raihan Fatsa Alfarizi, Affan Miftakhur Royan, Hasbg Ashidiq, Ega Radiansyah, Etty Zuliawanti Zed

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