Musibah Dalam Pandangan Islam: Tinjauan Al-Qur’an dan Hadits
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This research examines the concept of calamity (musibah) in Islam through an analysis based on Quranic verses and the Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The research methodology employed is a literature review, involving in-depth reading of relevant sources, identification of key information, and analysis of the concepts found. From the analysis, it is revealed that calamity in Islam encompasses various forms of trials, both in the form of blessings and challenging tests. Quranic verses such as those found in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 286, and Hadiths of the Prophet, as recorded by Bukhari and Muslim, provide guidance for Muslims to face calamities with patience and steadfastness in faith. Discussion on the understanding of calamity according to the Quran explains that every calamity occurs by the will of Allah SWT and is part of His infinitely wise plan. Additionally, terms such as Bala', Fitnah, Adzab, and Fasad in the Quran offer a deeper understanding of various aspects of calamities in human life. In conclusion, a profound understanding of calamities in Islam can provide tranquility of the heart and spiritual strength for Muslims in facing life's trials.
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