Kepuasan Hidup Remaja Pengguna Media Sosial

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Imam Apriyanto
Ditta Febrieta


Currently, adolescent are facing various social issues closely related to social media. Adolescent life cannot be separated from technology that facilitates their access to information through social media. Nowadays, social media users are predominantly adolescent. In using social media, teenagers experience various positive and negative emotions that reflect their level of life satisfaction. The forms of teenagers' life satisfaction are indicated by the type of user, frequency of use, and the social media platforms used. The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is a positive or negative picture of life satisfaction of adolescent social media users at SMAN 3 Tambun Selatan. The research method used was a quantitative approach with correlational research type, involving 154 respondents selected through probability sampling technique. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire distributed through Google Form and processed using IBM SPSS 21 software. The results showed that out of 154 respondents, 20 teenagers were in the high life satisfaction category, 127 in the medium category, and 7 in the low category. The conclusion of this study is that the life satisfaction of adolescents who use social media at SMAN 3 Tambun Selatan is mostly in the moderate category, and there is no significant relationship between the use of social media and the level of life satisfaction of adolescents.

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How to Cite
Apriyanto, I., & Febrieta, D. (2024). Kepuasan Hidup Remaja Pengguna Media Sosial. IJM: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary, 2(6), 376–385. Retrieved from


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