Analisis Branding Makanan Viral di Karawang: Studi pada Seblak Teh Windy
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This study aims to analyze the branding strategies that have made Seblak Teh Windy a viral food phenomenon in Karawang. Through in-depth interviews, direct observations, and social media analysis, the research finds that the use of social media, particularly Instagram and TikTok, is the primary strategy in promoting Seblak Teh Windy. Engaging content such as photos and videos of the preparation process, customer testimonials, and giveaways have proven effective in attracting interest and building product awareness. Word-of-mouth recommendations and customer testimonials play a crucial role in enhancing popularity and establishing brand reputation. The main challenge faced is competition with other seblak vendors, but with continuous innovation in taste, presentation, and marketing strategies, Seblak Teh Windy has managed to maintain its appeal and relevance. In conclusion, the success of Seblak Teh Windy's branding is greatly influenced by effective marketing strategies through social media, innovation, and a focus on customer satisfaction. This study provides valuable insights for other culinary entrepreneurs in developing effective branding strategies.
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