Penerapan Strategi Marketing Mix 4P pada UMKM Rumahan Snacks Bu Iyam di Desa Purwasari Cikampek

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Dini Sulastri
Puji Isyanto


The focus of this research is to understand how the product, price, place, and promotion strategies implemented by Snacks Bu Iyam in increasing competitiveness, expanding market share, increasing consumer awareness, and increasing profitability and sustainability of their business. This research uses a qualitative method with an observational descriptive approach. Data were collected through direct observation, in-depth interviews with business owners, employees, and loyal customers, and content analysis. The results showed that Snacks Bu Iyam has successfully created a superior product, namely breadfruit brownies, which is a unique and attractive innovation for consumers. Pricing reflects a balance between market needs, production costs, and product value. The direct distribution strategy allows direct interaction with customers and adjustment of production according to demand. Promotion is done through a combination of online and offline strategies, utilizing social media and word of mouth marketing. Nevertheless, this study suggests several things that can be improved, such as a more structured pricing strategy, expansion of marketing reach through physical stores or cooperation with retail stores, as well as increasing the effectiveness of online promotions through advertising campaigns and customer loyalty programs.


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How to Cite
Sulastri, D., & Isyanto, P. (2024). Penerapan Strategi Marketing Mix 4P pada UMKM Rumahan Snacks Bu Iyam di Desa Purwasari Cikampek. IJM: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary, 2(6), 300–307. Retrieved from


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