Harmonisasi Bisnis Islami: Etika dan Kerjasama Sebagai Pilar Keseimbangan

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Darwin Pongparante
Nada Ainun
M. Najib
Teddy Pangestu


Business is an activity in which a person or group of people make, sell, or exchange goods or services with the aim of making a profit. In business, people try to create new ideas and develop products or services that benefit others. Then, they sell those products or services to customers who are interested and ready to pay for them. .This article describes the business in the Islamic approach that includes the Islamic business concept, the principles of Islamic business and normative foundation of Islamic business. Islamic business must be based on Islamic ethics derived from the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Generally, business ethics is a normative discipline, whereby particular ethical standards are formulated and then applied. It makes specific judgments about what is right or wrong, which is to say, it makes claims about what ought to be done or what ought not to be done.This research discusses the importance of harmonizing Islamic business practices in the context of ethics and cooperation as pillars of balance. Business plays a crucial role in meeting human needs at all levels of life, yet often poses ethical challenges when its orientation is solely profit-driven. Islam emphasizes integrity and social responsibility in every aspect of business, teaching values such as honesty, justice, and trustworthiness. The concept of business in Islam introduces various forms of cooperation such as Mudharabah, Syirkah, and Murabahah, which promote fair agreements and mutual benefit among the involved parties. The research method used is literature review. Based on the normative foundations of Islam, business principles should be based on monotheism, balance, free will, and accountability. Islam views business success not only in material terms but also from moral and spiritual perspectives. It can be concluded that business practices guided by Islamic values can significantly contribute to society and the economy as a whole. Businesses operated in accordance with Islamic principles not only generate material profits but also foster sustainable social and spiritual harmony.

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How to Cite
Pongparante, D., Faizun, Ainun, N., M. Najib, & Pangestu, T. (2024). Harmonisasi Bisnis Islami: Etika dan Kerjasama Sebagai Pilar Keseimbangan. IJM: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary, 2(6), 120–127. Retrieved from http://journal.csspublishing.com/index.php/ijm/article/view/886


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