Pengaruh Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Nilai Akhir Matematika Siswa Kelas 4 di SDN 4 Karangbener Kec. Bae Kabupaten Kudus
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This study aims to determine the effect of 4th grade math learning motivation on learning achievement at SD N 4 Karangbener. The research method used is survey method with regression analysis to determine the influence between variable X, namely students' math learning motivation on variable Y, namely the final grade of mathematics. Sampling using simple random sampling, a sample of 13 students was taken. Researchers took two types of instruments in this study. Data on students' math learning motivation is obtained from an instrument in the form of a questionnaire (questionnaire) that has been validated and reliable. Data on the final grade of mathematics in the form of documentation of summative assessment scores at the end of the semester. The data analysis requirements test is by using the Normality Test to test whether the data to be analyzed is normal or not, then the Linearity Test is carried out. Furthermore, hypothesis testing uses Regression Equation, Significant Correlation Test (T test) and Significant Regression Test all using SPSS 20. The results showed that there is a 4th grade math learning motivation on learning achievement at SD N 4 Karangbener. This is evidenced by the t distribution level at a real level of 5% obtained t = 7.995, it turns out that the tcount price of 7.995> ttable 2.201 or t table is outside the Ho acceptance area, so it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and accepts Ha.This study investigates the influence of learning motivation on the final mathematics scores of 4th-grade students at SDN 4 Karangbener, Bae District, Kudus Regency. The research employs a survey method involving 15 respondents from the 4th grade. Data were collected through questionnaires covering inquiries about mathematics learning motivation, types of food, quantity consumed, meal frequency, and consumption schedules. The data were then analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques and normality tests to ensure the validity of the analysis. The results of the analysis indicate that mathematics learning motivation significantly affects the final mathematics scores of students. Significance testing results demonstrate a significant relationship between mathematics learning motivation and students' final mathematics scores. Mathematics learning motivation plays a crucial role in enhancing the academic achievement of 4th-grade students at SDN 4 Karangbener. This study suggests that efforts to enhance mathematics learning motivation can help address students' learning difficulties and improve their overall academic performance.
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