Kemampuan Menulis Aksara Jawa Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD 4 Gondangmanis Kec. Bae Kabupaten Kudus
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This study aims to measure the ability to write Javanese script in grade IV SD 4 Gondangmanis, data collection is done by testing students' abilities in four aspects, namely: Neatness, ability to write Hancaraka, ability to write Sandhangan, and ability to write pairs. The sampling technique used was convenience sampling. The sample used in this study was grade IV SD 4 Gondangmanis which amounted to 19 students. This study uses a quantitative method with a one sample proportion test approach (1 var). This study uses one variable, namely (ability to write Javanese script). The data in this study were obtained from a problem solving test, this test consisted of 10 questions covering various aspects of writing Javanese script, including letter recognition, word writing, and simple sentences. The results of the study showed that the ability to write Javanese script, there is no significant difference between the proportion of students scoring in the category of "<=7" with the hypothesized proportion of 0.5. Therefore, it can be concluded that that fourth grade students of SD 4 Gondangmanis were able to write Javanese characters.This study aims to measure the ability to write Javanese script in grade IV SD 4 Gondangmanis, data collection is done by testing students' abilities in four aspects, namely: Neatness, ability to write Hancaraka, ability to write Sandhangan, and ability to write pairs. The sampling technique used was convenience sampling. The sample used in this study was grade IV SD 4 Gondangmanis which amounted to 19 students. This study uses a quantitative method with a one sample proportion test approach (1 var). This study uses one variable, namely (ability to write Javanese script). The data in this study were obtained from a problem solving test, this test consisted of 10 questions covering various aspects of writing Javanese script, including letter recognition, word writing, and simple sentences. The results of the study showed that the ability to write Javanese script, there is no significant difference between the proportion of students scoring in the category of "<=7" with the hypothesized proportion of 0.5. Therefore, it can be concluded that that fourth grade students of SD 4 Gondangmanis were able to write Javanese characters.
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