Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Kriminologi: Studi Literature Review

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Rd Diinaar Ismail
Aditya Fathi Ahmad


Social media is an online platform that enables users to interact, share, and create content, widely used worldwide. Uncontrolled use of social media can have negative impacts on adolescent behavior, leading to juvenile delinquency or Adolescent Misconduct. These negative impacts include criminal behaviors such as bullying, defamation, and even cases of physical violence that occur in both virtual and real-world settings. In this context, legal protection for victims and criminal sanctions for juvenile offenders become relevant topics for discussion. This research aims to explore the extent to which social media influences adolescent behavior in the context of criminal acts, and to examine the available legal protections. The research method employed is a literature review involving analysis of various legislative regulations related to social behavior and juvenile criminality. The findings indicate that irresponsible use of social media can trigger criminal actions, necessitating legal responses to protect society from these negative impacts.Social media is an online platform that allows users to interact, share, and create content, which is widely popular worldwide. Uncontrolled use of social media can have negative impacts on adolescent behavior, leading to Adolescent Misconduct. These negative impacts include criminal behaviors such as bullying, defamation, and even cases of physical violence that occur in both the online and real worlds. Legal protection for victims and criminal sanctions for juvenile offenders are relevant topics for discussion. This research aims to explore the extent to which social media influences adolescent behavior in the context of criminal activities and examine the available legal protections. The research method employed is a literature review involving analysis of various legislative regulations related to social behavior and juvenile criminality. The results indicate that irresponsible use of social media can trigger criminal actions, necessitating legal responses to protect society from these negative impacts.

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How to Cite
Ismail, R. D., & Ahmad, A. F. (2024). Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Kriminologi: Studi Literature Review. IJM: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary, 2(6), 41–47. Retrieved from


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