Penggunaan Metode Jarimatika Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Perkalian Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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Muhammad Aflah
Lina Rahayu Ningsih
Shoimatul Magfiroh
Ajeng Prastiana Pratiwi
Dwi Rahayu Pitaloka
Arinda Elfana Putri


In the process of learning multiplication, SD N 4 Karangbener teachers use the jarimatika method to improve students' counting skills. Previously, students were given the first multiplication problem exercise to measure their ability. From the result, 5 out of 15 students got above average score with 13 minutes. After the application of the jarimatika method, students were given an example of using the jarimatika method using fingers, and as a result, 10 out of 15 students scored above average with a time of 5 minutes 42 seconds. The obstacles that apply the application of the jarimatika method are the lack of student practice and lack of student focus. To overcome this, the teacher gave more practice and taught how to calculate multiplication properly, and invited students to calculate using the jarimatika method in front of the class. The conclusion from using the jarimatika method is that this method is very effective in improving students' multiplication counting skills, especially for students who find it difficult to memorise multiplication. Students' learning outcomes also improved after using the jarimatika method.In the process of learning multiplication, SD N 4 Karangbener teachers use the jarimatika method to improve students' counting skills. Previously, students were given the first multiplication problem exercise to measure their ability. From the result, 5 out of 15 students got above average score with 13 minutes. After the application of the jarimatika method, students were given an example of using the jarimatika method using fingers, and as a result, 10 out of 15 students scored above average with a time of 5 minutes 42 seconds. The obstacles that apply the application of the jarimatika method are the lack of student practice and lack of student focus. To overcome this, the teacher gave more practice and taught how to calculate multiplication properly, and invited students to calculate using the jarimatika method in front of the class. The conclusion from using the jarimatika method is that this method is very effective in improving students' multiplication counting skills, especially for students who find it difficult to memorise multiplication. Students' learning outcomes also improved after using the jarimatika method.

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How to Cite
Aflah, M., Ningsih, L. R., Magfiroh, S., Pratiwi, A. P., Pitaloka, D. R., & Putri, A. E. (2024). Penggunaan Metode Jarimatika Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Perkalian Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar. IJM: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary, 2(6), 22–29. Retrieved from


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