Peran Guru Agama Dalam Mengatasi Terjadinya Bullying di Pondok Pesantren
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This research aims to explore the efforts made by religious teachers at the Modern Islamic Boarding School Assalam in addressing seniority actions. The research method employed is qualitative descriptive study to gain a profound understanding of the factors triggering seniority actions among student-boarders at the Modern Islamic Boarding School Assalam. The results of the research indicate that the role of religious teachers has a significant impact on mitigating seniority actions. Religious teachers at the Modern Islamic Boarding School Assalam actively engage in guidance, organize educational activities, and create an inclusive environment. The study in-depth identifies several factors that contribute to seniority actions at the Modern Islamic Boarding School Assalam. Firstly, differences in backgrounds among students can be a source of tension and competition, subsequently giving rise to seniority behaviors. This factor may include socioeconomic, educational, and cultural differences among the students. Secondly, cultural diversity within the boarding school environment is identified as a potential factor triggering seniority actions.
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