Optimization of Human Resource Management Information System: A Case Study at BMT Al Hikmah Kudus
Effectiveness, Opportunities, HRMIS, HRM, BMTAbstract
The aim of the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) research is to manage employee data, employee development processes, and employee performance evaluations. Data collection methods utilized include literature review, interviews, and observations. The research findings indicate the importance of understanding the role of HRIS in enhancing human resource management at BMT Al Hikmah Kudus. Furthermore, this study contributes to comprehending the optimization of information technology to achieve organizational effectiveness, particularly in the investment and savings sectors. The managerial implementation resulting from this research involves a better understanding of the HRIS role in enhancing human resource management at BMT Al Hikmah Kudus. Management at BMT Al Hikmah can utilize insights from this research to plan, develop, and implement HRIS more effectively. This encompasses a better understanding of employee data management, employee development processes, and employee performance evaluation. It is hoped that this research will assist BMT Al Hikmah Kudus in enhancing the quality of human resource management, overcoming challenges, and better utilizing existing opportunities, thus achieving organizational goals more efficiently and effectively.
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