Analysis of the Impact of Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube on Online Fashion Purchase Decisions
Social Media, Purchasing Decisions, E-Commerce, FashionAbstract
This study aims to explore and analyze the influence of social media, specifically Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, on purchasing decisions for fashion products on e-commerce platforms. With the growing role of social media as a marketing and informational channel, consumers are increasingly influenced by the content they encounter on these platforms. The study employs a quantitative method with a survey approach to gather data from active Shopee users exposed to fashion content on the three social media platforms. The findings indicate that Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube each have a significant impact on consumer purchasing decisions. Instagram is considered the most influential due to its engaging visuals and direct shopping features, while TikTok affects through viral content and the latest trends. YouTube plays a crucial role by providing in-depth information through reviews and tutorials. The analysis identifies that factors such as interaction with influencers, content quality, and product relevance play a key role in purchasing decisions. These findings offer valuable insights for marketers and fashion businesses to optimize their social media marketing strategies and clarify how different platforms can be effectively used to influence consumer behavior. The study also opens opportunities for further research on integrating cross-platform marketing strategies in e-commerce.
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