Asuhan Keperawatan pada Ny. R dengan Halusinasi Pendengaran Melalui Terapi Musik Klasik
Schizophrenia, Hallucination, Classical Music TherapyAbstract
Indonesia is one of the countries with a high incidence of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia patients in general often experience positive symptoms of auditory hallucinations. If auditory hallucinations are not treated immediately, it will risk the safety of the patient and others because they follow the voice commands of their hallucinations. The provision of classical music therapy is a modification strategy that can be used in minimizing auditory hallucinations. The method used is a case study with the provision of generalist therapy and classical music therapy. This case study aims to determine the benefits of holistic nursing care with the application of generalist therapy and classical music therapy for 5 days. The evaluation results obtained were a decrease in the level of hallucinations in patients from a score of 25 to 21 as measured using the Auditory Hallucination Rating Scale (AHRS), reduced anxiety, no longer pacing the room, the patient did not show behavior following hallucinations in the form of raising his hands, and good eye contact. The conclusion of this case study is that the provision of generalist therapy and classical music therapy is effective in reducing the symptoms of auditory hallucinations in patients. It is hoped that classical music therapy can become a routine program that can be applied in the Teratai ward as an effort to reduce the signs and symptoms of patients with auditory hallucinations at the Aceh Mental Hospital.
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