Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien Halusinasi Pendengaran dengan Pendekatan Terapi Okupasi Menggambar


  • Ayu Gustina Universitas Syiah Kuala
  • Martina Universitas Syiah Kuala
  • Aiyub Universitas Syiah Kuala


Hallucination, Drawing Occupational Therapy


One of the mental disorder's symptoms is auditory hallucination. Hallucination sufferers experience changes in false sensations. These false sensations are things that are not real, such as hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, and smelling. Hallucinations not handled immediately and adequately can lead to other problems, allowing patients to follow their hallucinations and do things that will worsen their condition. This case study aimed to provide nursing care holistically with a nursing approach for an auditory hallucination patient at the Aceh Mental Hospital. This case study was conducted for five days by providing psychiatric nursing care for one patient as a sample of this study, namely, drawing occupational therapy. The initial symptom experienced by the patient is hearing voices. The nursing interventions given were implementation strategies and providing drawing occupational therapy. The evaluation results obtained were the patient's hallucination symptoms have decreased, characterized by reduced frequency and duration, and the patient's ability improved. The findings showed that drawing occupational therapy can reduce the auditory hallucinations experienced by the patient. Hence, drawing occupational therapy is expected to be applied and become one of the therapies in the healing program for patients with auditory hallucinations at the Aceh Mental Hospital.


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Abstract viewed : 387 times



How to Cite

Gustina, A., Martina, & Aiyub. (2024). Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien Halusinasi Pendengaran dengan Pendekatan Terapi Okupasi Menggambar. ARRAZI: Scientific Journal of Health, 2(2), 121–128. Retrieved from


