Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien dengan Halusinasi Pendengaran Melalui Terapi Okupasi Melipat Origami
Auditory Hallucinations, Occupational Therapy, OrigamiAbstract
Auditory hallucinations are a common symptom in patients with mental disorders. The purpose of this case study to provide holistic nursing care through the implementation of generalist therapy strategies and origami folding occupational therapy at Aceh Mental Hospital. The method used in this study is a case study approach, with generalist therapy strategies conducted over two days and origami folding occupational therapy implemented over five days. Each therapy session lasted thirty minutes, with different origami instructions given each day. The study involved one patient with auditory hallucinations treated in the Jeumpa Ward at Aceh Mental Hospital. The severity of the patient's auditory hallucinations was assessed using the Auditory Hallucination Rating Scale (AHRS), which consists of eleven question items. The case study results showed a reduction in the AHRS score from 26 (severe category) before the intervention to 20 (moderate category) after the intervention. Based on this case study, the implementation of generalist therapy strategies and origami folding occupational therapy effectively reduced the signs and symptoms of auditory hallucinations. It is recommended that nurses at Aceh Mental Hospital consistently provide these interventions as part of routine care.
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