Efektivitas Penggunaan Terapi Bola Karet Terhadap Pemenuhan Kantong Darah di UDD PMI Kota Surakarta
Blood Bag, Blood, Ball TherapyAbstract
The need for blood according to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines is a minimum of 2% of the population. Ball therapy by squeezing a soft rubber ball several times is performed so that the vein can be accessed. This ball therapy is carried out as an effort to minimize blood collection failures due to prolonged duration. Carrying out ball gripping activities continuously or you could say ball therapy can increase muscle strength, increase the diameter of veins and arteries significantly, the average blood flow also increases significantly. To determine the effectiveness of using rubber ball therapy in fulfilling blood bags in UDD PMI Surakarta City. Using a quantitative descriptive research method by starting from the data, then the researcher analyzes the quantitative or statistical data, aligning it with research variables that focus on actual problems that are occurring at the moment with research results in the form of numbers. The results of this study show that the effectiveness of using rubber ball therapy in filling blood bags for male donors during blood collection in the UDD PMI Surakarta City building in 2024 is 15%. that the use of rubber ball therapy is effective in filling blood bags for male donors at UDD PMI Surakarta City.
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