Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien Post Operasi Close Fracture Neck Femur Sinistra di Ruang Rawat Inap Raudhah 6 RSUD dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh
Close Fracture Neck Femur Sinistra, Nursing Care, Case StudyAbstract
A fracture is a loss of bone continuity that can lead to a reduction in activities of daily living (ADLs), disability, or death. In this case study, it aimed to identify nursing care for patients with close fracture neck femur sinistra in the female orthopedic surgery room on May - June 2024. Nursing problems are limited range of motion, there is a postoperative suture wound for bipolar arthroplasty, pain is felt in the postoperative period and increases the next day. Nursing problems are impaired physical mobility, acute pain, and impaired skin integrity. Interventions carried out are early mobilization such as range of motion (ROM), eating education - high calorie and protein foods, pain management using nonpharmacological techniques with deep breath relaxation accompanied by chanting asmaul husna, and sterile wound care after bipolar arthroplasty surgery. Nursing evaluation found that the problems of impaired physical mobility, acute pain, and impaired skin integrity could be partially resolved. Recommendations that can be made are to provide education on good food consumption and always monitor the patient's ability to do activities at home.
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