Comparison of Hemoglobin Level Testing on Potential Donor Rejection by Gender at BDU of IRC Surakarta City


  • Lutfiyatuzzainiyyah Politeknik Akbara Surakarta
  • Titis Wahyuono Politeknik Akbara Surakarta
  • Christina Roosarjani Politeknik Akbara Surakarta
  • Ni’mah Hidayatul Laili Politeknik Akbara Surakarta


Rejection, Potential Donors, Hemoglobin


The purpose of the study is to determine how many donors at the Indonesian Red Cross (IRC) Blood Donation Unit (BDU) in Surakarta City failed the initial screening process because of high or low hemoglobin levels in January 2024. The study used a cross-sectional, analytical, observational, quantitative methodology and included 100 high-Hb donors and 750 low-Hb donors. Using Isaac Michael's table, the samples were determined to be 238 low Hb and 78 high Hb.  Both univariate and square test analyses were used to examine the data. Data processing techniques are performed using Microsoft Excel 2019 and SPSS 26. There were 316 responders, with 44.6% male and 55.4% female, ages 17–25 years old (40.22%), 26–33 years old (24.6%), and 35–43 years old (15.8%). Among those aged 44-65, 18.4% had blood type A (25.2%) had blood type B (32.6%) had blood type O (31.0%) had blood type AB (11.1%) had low hemoglobin level <12.5 gr/dl (75,3 %), and 24.7% had high hemoglobin content (>17 gr/dl). A significant number, as determined by the chi square test computation, is 0.000. Significant differences are shown by the significance value of 0.000 <0.05. There are differences in the result of hemoglobin level examinations regarding rejection of potential donors based on gender at BDU of IRC Surakarta City.


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How to Cite

Lutfiyatuzzainiyyah, Wahyuono, T., Roosarjani, C., & Laili, N. H. (2025). Comparison of Hemoglobin Level Testing on Potential Donor Rejection by Gender at BDU of IRC Surakarta City. ARRAZI: Scientific Journal of Health, 3(1), 60–69. Retrieved from


