Studi Kasus Chair Exercise untuk Intervensi Risiko Jatuh pada Lansia dengan Hipertensi
Case Study, Hypertension, Fall Risk, Chair Exercise, ElderlyAbstract
Elderly individuals are at high risk of falls due to physiological changes associated with aging, such as balance disturbances and muscle weakness, which are further exacerbated by hypertension. These physical declines make the elderly vulnerable to injuries that can affect their quality of life. This case study aims to evaluate the impact of chair exercises as a primary intervention in preventing fall risks among elderly individuals with hypertension. The implementation includes education on the concept of fall risks, as well as demonstrations and routine chair exercise sessions designed to improve muscle strength, flexibility, and balance while considering the safety of the elderly. The evaluation results show an increase in the frequency and quality of daily physical exercises performed by the elderly, which significantly contributes to reducing fall risks. Chair exercises have proven effective in helping the elderly improve balance and physical strength without overburdening their physical condition. It is hoped that this program can be continued independently by families as part of the daily routine, in order to enhance the quality of life of the elderly and prevent fall risks in the future.
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